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SMS Trade Notification Alerts Overview & FAQ

SMS Trade Notification Alerts

As part of enhancing our client's trading experience with us, from 16 March 2015, we are providing clients complimentary SMS Trade alerts when their orders on SGX, Hong Kong and US markets are fulfilled.

*Delivery of SMS alerts, and possible charges, are subject to the existing service agreement with your mobile service provider. SMS trade alert is not available for CFD account.

1. What do I need to do to receive the free SMS Trade notification alerts?

    If you would like to receive free SMS Trade notification alerts when your order is filled, please go to "Personal Configurations" and click on "Configure Alert" tab. Please check the "trade" box under mobile alert type, enter your mobile number and save.

2. I am using a non-Singapore mobile number. Am I eligible to receive the free SMS Trade notification alerts?

    This service applies only to Singapore registered mobile numbers. If you do not have a Singapore registered mobile number, you may opt for our free email notifications.

    The delivery of SMS alerts and charges (if any), are subject to the existing service agreement with your mobile service provider.

3. I have previously redeemed my limtan points / paid for the subscription for SMS alerts. What will happen to my remaining alerts?

    There will no longer be deduction for SMS Trade alerts. The remaining ones will be used for Stock alerts (SGX only).

4. What is the difference between Stock and Trade alerts?

    Stock alerts are notifications to alert you when prices of your selected counters have reached the prices that you have set in your alert criteria.

    Trade alerts are notifications to alert you when there are fulfilled quantities for your orders.

5. Do I need to pay for SMS Stock and Trade alerts?

    SMS Trade alerts are free from 16 March 2015 whilst SMS Stock alerts are chargeable at $5 for every block of 25 SMS. Alternatively you may redeem your LimTan reward points for SMS Stock alerts.

6. Will I receive free SMS Trade notification alerts for all my fulfilled orders?

    As long as your orders are placed through the Online Trading system for SGX, HK & US markets, you will receive the free SMS Trade notification alerts once there are fulfilled quantities for your orders. Online orders will refer to orders placed via our Internet Platform, iPad, iPhone and Android.

7. Why do I receive several SMS Trade Alerts at the same time?

    An order may be partially filled and each time this happens, a Trade SMS notification will be generated. To avoid over-whelming the client with separate SMSes for partially filled orders, SMS Trade alerts are consolidated at 10 minutes interval.

8. If I no longer wish to receive SMS Trade alerts, how do I terminate this?

    If you wish to stop receiving free trade notification alerts, please go to "Personal Configurations" and click on "Configure Alert" tab. Please uncheck the "trade" box under mobile alert type and save.