Are you a New Client?


Alvin Yuen
Mobile Broker
Year Joined: 2010

What do you do on the job? Describe a typical day:
My role as a Mobile Broker is highly dynamic and exciting. On a daily basis, I am kept busy with a number of tasks. Catching up on the latest news before the market opens is essential as it has potential impacts on the market movements for the day. Besides that, I keep myself current with the on-going development of the economic activities, global news updates and research reports that need to be interpreted and disseminated to my clients. Building and maintaining client relationships through regular meetings and phone conversations are essential. It will add value to my clients and their portfolios. To build up my client base, I participate in road shows organised by the company and arrange regular meetings with fellow colleagues to discuss business strategies and growth plans.

What are the biggest challenges for you in your job on a day-to-day basis?
The market is both dynamic and volatile. Things will change instantly and I will need to be at the top of the game. Clients require market updates to make critical buy or sell decisions. Thus, consistent effort is required to remain well-read and well-informed in order to be equipped with the right knowledge to advise clients accordingly.

Do you think the job has been conducive in providing you with work-life balance so far?
Definitely. Being a Mobile Broker allows me to manage my time more effectively and able to balance both my personal and work commitments.