Are you a New Client?


Tan Cheng Guan
Mobile Broker
Year Joined: 2009

What do you do on the job? Describe a typical day:
My day starts before the Singapore market opens. I will get updates on the Dow Jones and Europe closing indices, latest happenings in the global economies and companies' announcements so that I am able to advise clients' queries and prepare for any possible big movements in the market.

By noon, the market is more or less stable. I will follow up on administrative issues and meet up with my clients. As a mobile broker, I can choose to work anywhere hence I will carry my laptop wherever I go. By late afternoon, I will monitor the Europe market when it opens, as there may be big fluctuations or important updates.

My day ends when the Singapore market closes. The good thing about this job is that I can end my work at home or anywhere.

What I love most about my job is...
I am my own boss and my hard work and efforts that I put in are directly reflected in my remuneration which makes this a very rewarding career for me.

I can control of my time since I can be working from home or anywhere of my choice. I have more time for my family and to take care of my children.

What inspired you to choose Lim & Tan?
I was drawn to the culture of excellence that surrounds the company and its reputation in the securities industry. Lim & Tan's culture is composed of fellow brokers with diverse backgrounds who all come together and perform. People here are also very approachable and collegial.